FrequentlyAsked Questions
Account Information
Enter your Boombinere address as the “Shipping Address” as shown below, whenever you buy from online stores.
Name: Your Name
Address (line 1): 2410 Cruzen St.
Address (line 2): Suite XXXX (enter your suite number here)
City: Nashville
State: Tennessee (or TN)
Zip Code/Postal Code: 37211
To find your Boombinere address, please log into your account and it will be at the top of your online account.
You may also be asked for a “billing address” when paying online retailers. Use the home country address associated with your credit card.
Sign in to your Boombinere account to:
• Check if your merchandise has been received.
• Create a package request.
• Check the status of your package requests.
• Return items back to sellers.
• Request pictures of your items in your inbox.
• Change any of your account details such as receiver information and membership information.
Note: You will receive an email notification when an item or package been checked into your account or when Boombinere confirms your package request.
Yes, download our app in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store!
Pricing & Payments
You can find the full pricing information and our online shipping calculator here.
Yes, we offer a business membership for $25 per month. As a business member, you will receive discounted rates and service fees. Also, business members have the ability to add up to 10 additional suites to your online inbox. Use our shipping calculator to compare prices.
Boombinere ships to the following cities in Kurdistan and Iraq: Erbil, Duhok, Zaxo, Sulaymaniyah, Mesif, and Baghdad.
From the shipment date, package delivery can take up to 21 days for Kurdistan cities and 25 days for Baghdad.
All customs duties and taxes are included in your shipping rates. However, there are customs fee charges on all smart phones, computer tablets, laptops and desktop PCs.
Note: Some bulk or cargo shipments may require additional customs fees. Boombinere reserves the right to collect customs fees in certain situations.
You’ll know your shipping costs once you’ve submitted a package request for your items to be shipped. Then you’ll be able to pay for the shipping costs and complete your package request. You can also use our shipping calculator here.
The shipping calculator is useful to find the shipping costs of an item before you purchase it or ship it to your Boombinere address.
Each time you create a package, you will be charged a package request fee. This fee is a service fee on top of the shipping rates that covers repacking and consolidating all your items to reduce your total weight.
All international carriers base their shipping rates on the greater of Actual Weight and Dimensional Weight.
Actual Weight is the weight of the item when put on a scale and Dimensional Weight is based on the size of item. Large items that have a low Actual Weight relative to their size, like pillows or a canvas painting, will result in a larger Dimensional Weight.
Dimensional Weight is calculated by multiplying the dimensions of the item. Length multiplied by Width multiplied by Height, then dividing that total by the “DIM Factor” of 166. So, the formula is: Length x Width x Height (inches) / 166 = Dimensional Weight (chargeable pounds).
The minimum item weight is 0.20 LBs, which means any item that weighs less than 0.20 LBs will be entered into your inbox with the weight of 0.20 LBs. For example, if you receive a pair of sunglasses that weighs 0.05 LBs, the sunglasses will be entered into your inbox with the weight of 0.20 LBs.
The minimum package weight is 1 LBs. If your package request is less than 1 LBs, you will be charged for 1 LBs.
Boombinere currently accepts all major credit & debit cards, PayPal, PelePare, Zain Cash and Cash on Delivery (ERBIL & SULAY ONLY) as payment methods. PayPal will accept most major credit cards; however, it will not accept Iraqi credit cards. You can register for an account at if you live outside of Iraq.
PelePare is an online payment system available in Kurdistan and Iraq. You can register at and add a balance to your account by visiting one of the PelePare branch offices in Erbil, Sulaymaniyah, Duhok, Zaxo, Mesif, Soran, Koya, Akre, Kirkuk, Mosul and Baghdad. You can also charge your account using scratch cards.
Shipping insurance can be purchased for 3% of the declared value of the item(s) in your package request. So, it will be $3 per $100 of insured value.
While damaged or lost packages are extremely rare, we recommend insuring each shipment in the unlikely event something does happen to your goods. In the event your package is damaged upon delivery or lost, Boombinere will reimburse you for the damaged goods. You’ll need to provide an invoice or receipt of the damaged goods with your insurance claim.
Our advertised shipping rates are to our Erbil branch. We charge a transfer fee if you are shipping to other branches other than Erbil. The transfer fee to all KRG branches is $1.00 + $0.20 per LB. The transfer fee to Baghdad is $3.00 + $0.50 per LB.
Our shipping rates are based on the total weight of your shipment request. The more you ship, the cheaper the shipping rates become. In addition to our price breaks, we periodically send out promo codes in our newsletters, so make sure you subscribe!
Shipping & Returns
Boombinere ships to Kurdistan twice a week. We ship every Monday and Thursday. Boombinere observes the US business days of Monday through Friday. While we are open to receive packages on Saturday, we are not open for business on Saturdays or Sundays. Any packages that are shown “Undeliverable” during the weekend will be delivered and checked in on Mondays.
Packages delivered to our warehouse will be checked in on the same day it was delivered by the end of the business day. If the package is still not checked into your account by the next day, please contact us and include the tracking number so we may assist you as fast as possible.
Boombinere can store items free of charge for a period of 60 days from the delivery date. After 60 days of free storage, Boombinere will charge you a fee of $0.50 per LB per day, which must be paid prior to creating new package request.
Business members get 75 days free storage.
After 90 days in storage, Boombinere reserves the right to sell, destroy or otherwise dispose of such items without incurring any liability from you or any other party whatsoever. If your item is discarded after 90 days, you will no longer be responsible for any storage fees for the item.
Yes, please refer to our Prohibited and Restricted Items list by clicking here.
Prohibited items are not allowed to be exported from the USA under no circumstances. If a prohibited item is added to your inbox, you will have the option to return the item to the seller, send it to another USA address or discard the item.
Restricted items are allowed to be shipped by the USA, but are restricted by Erbil Airport or can not be transferred to cities outside of the Kurdistan Region. If you ship any of these items, it will be under your responsibility if it is confiscated by the airport customs authorities or any other authorities in transit to Baghdad.
Boombinere provides your very own US address with a unique suite number. You can purchase from online retailers around the world using your Boombinere address. However, some retailers may cancel your order due to the fact that they will not ship to a freight forwarding company or third-party shipper.
Yes, we offer cargo services to customers who are shipping over 500 LBs. Use our online calculator to see our cargo rates.
Select the item or items in your inbox and click the return button. You will be directed to enter the company or receivers name and full address. We’ll process your return and once you pay for the return shipping cost, we’ll give your return package to the courier you select.
We charge $5 per each return request plus the cost of shipping the package back to the seller.
In the unlikely event your returned package is lost or damaged in transit, you will need to contact the courier you selected during the returns process to open a claim (Fedex, USPS, UPS, etc).