Our Shipping Services
Our goal is to make it simple to ship to Kurdistan and Iraq from the USA. Whether you want to shop online, or ship packages directly, our process and software make it easy.

Shop & Ship
Shop online and ship your items to your USA “Boombinere” address. We will receive your packages from merchants and check them into your online inbox.

Ship Direct
Ship your own packages to your Boombinere address in Nashville, TN using couriers such as UPS, FedEx, and USPS. We will add all contents of your package to your online inbox.

Pro Members
Upgrade to a Pro Membership to receive discounted shipping rates and fees, and the ability to add up to 10 suite addresses to your main account. Save on annual plans!
Nashville Post Office
We serve as local post office for customers located in Nashville, TN. Bring your goods to our office and we will handle the packaging and documentation.
Air Cargo
All customers will receive discounted rates for all shipments over 500 LBs. Save even more when you ship over 1000 LBs+. Use our shipping calculator to view rates.
Buy for Me
We can shop for you if you do not have the ability to shop yourself. Sign up on Boombeene and connect your account to your Boombinere suite.
Features and Benefits
No Box Weight
We remove all boxes and packaging before we add items to your inbox to save you money.
Customs Clearance
We handle the clearance at the Erbil Airport and fees are included in our rates (except mobile electronics).
Export Docs
We handle all the documentation needed to ship your packages from the USA.
Web & Mobile Apps
We have easy to use web and mobile apps where you can view your inbox and create shipments.
Safer Shipments
We palletize our shipments, so your packages are secured until they are delivered to you.
Free Photos
We add a photo for each item we add to your inbox so you know exactly what you’re receiving.
shop online with cash
Buy for Me integration with Boombeene
Log into your Boombeene account to connect your Boombinere suite address. Now you can buy on Boombeene and receive your orders in your suite inbox.
No Sales Tax when shopping with Boombeene from the shops below.
ready to start?
Sign up and start shipping today.
Manage your inbox items by logging into your account or by using our mobile apps. You can ship your items to any of our branches in Kurdistan & Iraq or return items to a U.S. address.